University of Arizona's SME Student Chapter

The SME Student Chapter at The University Of Arizona, has provided students the chance to develop their skills. SME has brought engineers, geologists, metallurgists, educators, students and researchers, from all over the world together, to encourage the growth or mining and underground construction. We have been fortunate enough to send 40-60 students to a major SME conference, where they can network and develop their skills and knowledge! You can bid now, and support these students as they go above and beyond to improve and perfect their craft.

About SME National

The Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration Inc. (SME) is a professional society (nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation) whose more than 15,000 membership represents all professionals serving the minerals industry in more than 100 countries. SME members include engineers, geologists, metallurgists, educators, students and researchers. SME advances the worldwide mining and underground construction community through information exchange and professional development. SME's roots date back to 1871 when a handful of mining engineers founded AIME.

SME & The Student

The desirability of providing a place for the student in mining or other mineral industry schools was first recognized in 1918. AIME has taken the initiative in establishing programs to encourage young people to enter the fields of mining, metallurgical, and petroleum engineering. Student members of SME will determine the future vitality of the minerals industry.

The UA SME Student Chapter brings students together during their college years to build a broad-based understanding of the minerals industry and a sense of unity and identity with their peers. The UA SME Student Chapter is the link between school and business, which enables each student to engage in the type of activity necessary for professional development.