Hometown Hero

 Presented by Colerain Chamber of Commerce 

Do you know a Hometown Hero, frontline worker, teacher, caregiver -- who courageously worked the front lines this past year?

Mission Statement

The Colerain Chamber of Commerce seeks to advance the economic, industrial, professional, commercial, cultural and civic welfare of the Northwest Cincinnati area; to encourage the growth of existing industries and businesses while giving all proper assistance to any new firms or individuals seeking to locate in the area; to provide business and industrial education to the people of Colerain Township and the surrounding areas; and to support all those activities determined to be beneficial to the local business community and surrounding areas.

Core Focus:

Supportone another both professionally and personally

Connectwith organizations & individuals

Celebratesuccesses, milestones, and achievements

Core Values:

Supportive - Community Minded - Inclusive - Engaging - Integrity