In 2015, the U.S. State Department estimated that there are 1.2 million victims of human trafficking in the United States. In stark contrast, there are less than 1,000 total beds in the United States dedicated to aftercare and treatment for adult victims and survivors of this crime. Our community and nation need more places where a survivor can receive comprehensive care - places where they can receive the resources, skills and support they need to become self-reliant and build a successful life.
Dahlia's Hope provides aftercare services for survivors of human trafficking. Our mission is to provide therapeutic services, medical services, education, vocational training, skills and resources that enable transition into the workplace, and life skills training to help these survivors function independently and successfully in society.
Dahlia's Hope is the first in Utah and one of the few national comprehensive aftercare organizations for adult survivors of human trafficking. The purpose of Dahlia's Hope is to meet each adult survivor where they are in their healing journey and to help them advance effectively with licensed clinical care, education, love and hope. Please join our cause by placing bids and spreading the word about our online auction.