Ability Found

Ability Found specializes in assisting people with disabilities who do not have the means to obtain medical equipment on their own. Helps us help them. Every bid, share, and donation helps!

Our Story:

The inspiration for Ability Found came from our founders, Ernest and Anneke Robison, and their son Matthew. In 1988, because of a lack of oxygen at birth, Matthew was born with severe disabilities; he was blind, mostly paralyzed, and spoke only a few words. He lived ten years, and during that time the Robison's noticed that many individuals with disabilities suffer because they cannot afford the assistive equipment they need.

This knowledge prompted the Robison's to create Ability Found, and since 1993, the nonprofit has been providing people with disabilities much-needed equipment, facilitating independence, productivity, safety, opportunity, and dignity.

Ernest Robison often tells others that he has the best job in the world because he routinely sees miracles happen in peoples lives as they gain capabilities and freedom they have not had before. He is inspired by the success stories and thank you letters from grateful individuals whose lives have been changed.

In the year 2000, to mark Matthew's grave, Ernest Robison and his cousin Susan Comish fabricated a sculpture of Matthew and others like him. It stands in the Salt Lake City Cemetery and has inspired many people who have dealt with life's challenges similar to Matthew's.